August 27, 2013
The PlainClarity team is growing! We are so excited to welcome our new intern, Lourdes Frame, to the La Jolla offices.
Lourdes comes to us from San Diego State University where she will graduate in December with a double major in psychology and journalism with a public relations emphasis. Don’t believe us? See question #8. She’s a bonafide PR rockstar.
No coffee runs here (well, perhaps on occasion). Read on to learn more about our bird-fearing, Oscar Wilde-quoting new intern.
Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: When I grow up (kind of funny how this is still a question I’m getting asked at the age of 23, huh?) I’d ideally love to own my own public relations firm that represents clients who are passionate about giving back to the community in some way, shape or form. Finding PlainClarity Communications was definitely a step in the right direction.
Q: A double-major, huh? Go aztecs!
A: My academic experience at SDSU, while having been nothing short of incredible, is best comparable to a Costco trip. During this trip, I devoured sample after sample (or major after major) and my indecisiveness basically led me to purchasing two complementary flavors of something because I couldn’t simply decide on just one. My sampling consisted of: business marketing, psychology (I wanted to be a neurologist and go to medical school), nursing and public relations. Finally, I chose public relations and psychology. I loved the hands-on experiences I gained in my public relations theory and public relations media and methods courses where I was given opportunities to create PR proposals for actual clients. Call my nerdy, but I found those assignments to be a lot of fun!
Q: What is your favorite hidden gem in San Diego? How did you find it?
A: For a restaurant I’d say, hands down, Oscar’s Mexican Seafood. And, needless to say, its Northern Pacific Beach location is most definitely hidden. I read about Oscars in Locale Magazine and actually drove around looking for it for awhile before I found it. But I absolutely love this hole-in-the-wall joint with limited seating and, of course, who doesn’t enjoy truly authentic dollar fish tacos during happy hour?
Q: Do you take coffee orders well? Just kidding! What do you hope to contribute during your time at PlainClarity Communications?
A: I’ll have to save my horrendous coffee order story for another time so it’s a relief that my intern duties will be more than that. I’m a huge quote geek and one of my favorite quotes from Oscar Wilde is: “I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.” I want to contribute my desire for constant improvement and perhaps a dab of my creative insight for a fresh perspective.
Q: If you could babysit Baby North (the Kardashian-West offspring) or Baby Blue Ivy (The Knowles-Carter offspring) for an afternoon which would you choose and why?
A: Ahh, I must have mentioned that I have years of experience as a nanny. Now while I’m a sucker for all chubby cheeked babies with drooly smiles, I’d have to go with Baby Blue Ivy. I just couldn’t deal with Kanye interrupting my babysitting routines!
Q: What is a little known fact about you?
A: I’m terrified of birds. Like, breaking out in a sweat, heart-racing, eyes dilating, terrified. Of course there’s a story behind it, but in all honesty they just give me anxiety.
Q: What do you think of Ben Affleck becoming the new Batman?
A: What an interesting question. Social media is currently having a field day with this news. Lets just say that if you were to ask me who I would have pictured playing the new Batman, I would not have said Ben Affleck. But! I always like to root for the underdog, so my fingers are crossed. Judgments will be made after the premiere.
Q: Spit some knowledge about public relations theory for us. Anything from Grunig to Bernays. And no cheating! Ready, go.
A: Oh man, lets keep it short and sweet. I’m going with Glen Broom and the 7 C's of Communication, in no particular order.
We can discuss communication models or theory of publics over coffee.
Q: Can you give us a one line rhyme that encapsulates your excitement about being the newest team member?
A: To forewarn you, I’m no Dr. Seuss, so please forgive me. Here goes nothing… This new intern wants to shout, PlainClarity is what it’s all about!
Q: How would you describe yourself in three words to someone who has never met you?
A: Hard-working, creative and silly.
Q: What is recorded on your DVR right this second?
A: I actually don’t have cable (sorry, broke college student over here!) I am, however, keeping up with Pretty Little Liars on Hulu. I guess you can call it my guilty pleasure. Besides a crazy good plot, trendy fashion and great hair, can I just say that the cast of PLL probably has the most engaging, not to mention most effective, social media campaign? Those pretty little things definitely know how to create a following!
Q: Would you rather have The Rachel haircut the rest of your life or borrow wigs from Nicki Minaj’s closet, daily?
A: When it comes to hair, I need change. Pass me one of those wigs, baby! Oh, but wait, can I please get one that matches my skin tone?
Q: What are you looking forward to learning most here at PlainClarity Communications?
A: Is it too vague if I say anything and everything? I’d really love to hone in on client relationships. I’d love to learn how to build a truly respectable relationship with a client and how to effectively deliver the results they need.
Q: What current event are you most closely following in the news right now?
A: Sadly, you asked me this question after this year’s VMAs so just like the rest of the world, I think I’m still in shock over Miley’s scandalous twerk-off. While I’m still trying to rid my mind of the disturbingly obscene memory, I can’t help but pity her poor publicist. I’m not sure if this even qualifies as a “current event,” but CNN is using this incident to drive their Internet traffic up so at least there’s that.